
Oct. 14, 2024

I Lost Friends Over My Recovery, And That's Okay

Recovery is a journey that demands courage, resilience, and the willingness to transform every aspect of life. For many of us, this journey begins with a harsh realization: the people we used to surround ourselves with before recovery often do not support our new path. This truth can be painful…

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Oct. 13, 2024

Raising Emotionally Healthy Boys: It’s Okay to Feel

Boys are often subjected to a unique set of social expectations. From the playground to the classroom, they are taught that toughness is a virtue and that vulnerability is a flaw. While this message might start with small comments like, “Don’t cry, be a big boy,” or “Toughen up,” it…

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Oct. 12, 2024

The Most Disturbing Stories of Church Hurt #shorts

This breach of trust cut her deeply. The church, which was supposed to be a haven, became a place of gossip and judgment. Instead of finding comfort, she found herself isolated, judged by those who once welcomed her with open arms. It became clear that the betrayal of her confidence…

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Oct. 10, 2024

When You Don't Feel Like You Belong in Recovery #addiction

When newcomers first walk into a recovery meeting, it's common for them to feel out of place. The sense of being an outsider can be overwhelming, as they look around and see people who seem to have it all together, or at least appear to. For many, the idea of…

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Oct. 9, 2024

Why Your Sense of Self is an Illusion

It is all too easy to lose ourselves in the pursuit of possessions and external validation. We start to believe that our worth is tied to what we own—the car we drive, the house we live in, or the brand of clothing we wear. Gradually, without realizing it, our sense…

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Oct. 8, 2024

The Conversation That Changed My Life Forever

Life’s challenges often force us to confront uncomfortable truths about ourselves, and it’s easy to focus outward—seeing the faults in others while ignoring our own. But the most profound journey we can take is inward, through a heart-to-heart conversation with ourselves. It is in this space of raw honesty that…

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Oct. 6, 2024

Can One Find a Personal, Loving Relationship with God Alone?

In today’s fast-paced world, many individuals seek a relationship with God that fits within their personal lives, leading to a growing number of people choosing to read their Bibles at home instead of attending church. These individuals often believe that they can foster a deep, personal, and loving relationship with…

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Oct. 5, 2024

The Dark Side of the American Dream: Money & Fame, but Still Empty Inside

The pursuit of external success—money, fame, and fleeting pleasures—often seems like the key to happiness. Society glorifies these markers of achievement, leading many to believe that the more they accumulate, the closer they’ll get to contentment. However, for those who have embarked on this path, it quickly becomes apparent that…

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Oct. 4, 2024

Why You Should Embrace God’s Grace (Even in Challenges)

Life often feels like a series of storms—times of chaos, pain, uncertainty, and fear that seem to sweep in without warning. Whether it’s the loss of a loved one, the collapse of a relationship, financial hardship, or personal struggles like addiction or self-doubt, these storms can feel overwhelming. Yet, no…

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Oct. 2, 2024

The Inner Child That Ruined Your Relationships

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Sept. 27, 2024

Are You Listening to Addiction’s Lies or Recovery’s Truth?

Addiction is often referred to as a disease of the mind, but it’s more accurately described as a disease of deception—a cunning enemy that distorts our reality and blinds us to the truth. This self-deception becomes a constant companion, whispering lies that trap us in cycles of destructive behavior. It…

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Sept. 25, 2024

Sober Life Without the 12 Step: The Future of Recovery

The 12-step model remains highly influential. It provides structure and community for individuals in recovery, encouraging a spiritual awakening and reliance on a higher power. However, not everyone connects with the spiritual or religious aspects of the 12-step program. For those who feel that the 12-step model doesn't resonate with…

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Sept. 22, 2024

Healing From Church Hurt (The Untold TRUTH)

No matter how far we stray or how low we sink, God is always calling us to come back to Him. It's easy to feel as if we've wandered too far, crossed too many lines, or made too many mistakes to ever be worthy of God’s grace again. In our…

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Sept. 19, 2024

The Hidden Patterns That Destroy Your Relationships

Sobriety is often seen as a significant milestone, a marker of a new beginning after years of battling addiction. However, even with years of clean living, some deeper challenges remain—challenges that sobriety alone can not heal. One of the most profound obstacles to genuine emotional freedom is unaddressed childhood trauma.…

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Sept. 18, 2024

The Unexpected Key to Sobriety Success

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Sept. 16, 2024

Why Pain Is Crucial For Your Personal Transformation

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Sept. 14, 2024

How Writing Helped Me Confront the Pain of Growing Up Without My Father

In this video, I share how writing helped me confront one of my deepest wounds—growing up without knowing my father. For years, I lived in denial, pretending his absence didn’t affect me. But during treatment, my counselor asked me to write about it, and as I poured my feelings onto…

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Sept. 13, 2024

Why Sharing Childhood Wounds is Important

Childhood trauma, often buried deep in the subconscious, can shape a person's entire life. These experiences, whether physical, emotional, or psychological, often linger, manifesting in harmful patterns, unhealthy relationships, and a disconnection from one's true self. Yet, one of the most powerful ways to heal from this past hurt is…

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Sept. 11, 2024

How God Sees You (Aligning Self-View with God's Love)

What would happen if we started to see ourselves the way God sees us? This profound shift in perspective has the power to transform not only how we see ourselves but also how we live and interact with the world. One of the core aspects of seeing ourselves through God's…

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Sept. 6, 2024

How Recovery Prepared Me to Care for My Dying Mother

For years, I was lost in addiction, unable to face even the smallest of challenges without running to some form of escape. The chaos, the selfishness, and the isolation that came with my disease were like walls between me and the people I loved, including my mother. It was as…

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Sept. 5, 2024

The Dangers of Being 'Seen and Not Heard' As A Child

Emotions that are consistently ignored do not simply disappear. Instead, they simmer beneath the surface, eventually boiling over in destructive ways. Many who were raised in emotionally suppressive environments struggle with uncontrollable anger as they grow older. Because they never learned how to express their frustrations as children, their anger…

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Sept. 4, 2024

I Hit Rock Bottom. Here's How I Came Back.

In the journey of addiction, the phrase "hitting rock bottom" is often spoken of with a mixture of dread and inevitability. It’s that point where everything seems to have crumbled, where the weight of one’s choices and the pain of living a life dictated by addiction become too much to…

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Sept. 1, 2024

Healing from Inside: My Journey to Self-Acceptance

In this video, I delves into the profound journey of healing and self-acceptance, exploring how the absence of a father during childhood left a deep emotional scar that was long denied. Through the transformative process of a 4th step inventory in recovery, I confront the hidden pain and reconnect with…

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Aug. 29, 2024

How a Child's Love Overcame a Father's Addiction

When a parent struggles with addiction, it affects the entire family, particularly the children. The eldest child often feels a unique burden—a deep sense of responsibility to help their parent recover and to restore the family’s stability. This experience can be overwhelming and confusing, yet it also offers important lessons…

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