Many people find themselves caught in a cycle, repeatedly attracting the same type of partner despite their hopes for a different outcome. At first glance, it might seem like bad luck or a series of unfortunate coincidences.
However, the pattern is often rooted in the way we approach relationships, particularly in how we understand and give love. A common thread in these cycles is the tendency to give love as a means of receiving it, an approach that can unintentionally perpetuate dissatisfaction and unfulfilling connections.
One of the fundamental misunderstandings that leads people to attract similar partners is the belief that by giving love, they can control the love that comes back to them.
This mindset is rooted in a transactional view of relationships—“If I love you in a certain way, you will love me back the same way.” It creates an illusion of control, making love a conditional exchange rather than an expression of genuine care. This often stems from a deep-seated desire to feel worthy and valued, leading us to seek validation through the affection of others.
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