What Not to Say to Someone Struggling with Addiction #addiction

Addiction is not simply a matter of willpower but involves changes in the brain's chemistry, which can make communication challenging.

Effective communication begins with choosing an appropriate time and place for discussions.

This could mean finding a quiet, private space where both parties can speak openly without distractions.

Addiction is a complex and challenging battle, and the words we choose can either provide support or exacerbate the struggle.

The last thing you want to do is give them an excuse to keep on using.

So give the addict your full attention, making eye contact, and demonstrating that you genuinely care about what they're saying.

Communicating with empathy is essential.

Show understanding and compassion rather than judgment, acknowledging the person's struggles without blame.

But remember no matter what you do or say an addict will not stop until he is ready to stop.


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