The Dangers of Being 'Seen and Not Heard' As A Child

Emotions that are consistently ignored do not simply disappear. Instead, they simmer beneath the surface, eventually boiling over in destructive ways. Many who were raised in emotionally suppressive environments struggle with uncontrollable anger as they grow older. Because they never learned how to express their frustrations as children, their anger may emerge explosively later in life. This anger is often directed at the wrong targets—whether it be loved ones, authority figures, or even themselves.

For some, this inner turmoil leads to crime or other risky behaviors as an outlet for their suppressed emotions. A young person who has been taught that their voice doesn’t matter may resort to criminal acts in an attempt to reclaim some sense of control or identity. These acts are often not premeditated but are instead desperate attempts to externalize the deep feelings of abandonment and frustration that have festered for years.

Drugs and other addictions also become common coping mechanisms for those who have grown up in such emotionally restrictive environments. Substances offer a temporary escape, a way to numb the painful emotions they have never been allowed to express. Over time, this reliance on substances can spiral into full-blown addiction, as the person becomes dependent on the escape that drugs or alcohol provide.
#EmotionalHealing #ChildhoodTrauma #nationalrecoverymonth