I Hit Rock Bottom. Here's How I Came Back.

In the journey of addiction, the phrase "hitting rock bottom" is often spoken of with a mixture of dread and inevitability. It’s that point where everything seems to have crumbled, where the weight of one’s choices and the pain of living a life dictated by addiction become too much to bear. But what if the rock at the bottom isn't just a symbol of despair? What if, instead, it's the very foundation upon which a new life can be built?

For many addicts, hitting rock bottom is the moment when they come to the end of themselves. It's a place of utter defeat, where the realization dawns that the way they have been living is no longer sustainable. The behaviors, the lies, the endless pursuit of the next high—none of it works anymore. This is a moment of profound emptiness, where the illusion of control shatters, and what’s left is a stark confrontation with reality.

But within this moment of despair lies an unexpected gift. The rock at the bottom is not merely a cold, unyielding surface; it is the solid foundation of God’s presence. In the depths of addiction, when everything else has been stripped away, there is an opportunity to encounter God in a way that is raw, real, and transformative.

This encounter requires coming to the end of oneself. It’s about acknowledging that all the strategies, all the coping mechanisms, all the attempts to manage life on our own terms have failed. It’s in this surrender, in admitting powerlessness, that the possibility for true recovery begins. When an addict reaches this point, they are often finally ready to listen, to be open to something greater than themselves.

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