How Surrendering Your Will Can Save You From Addiction

There comes a time in every person’s life when they reach a crossroads. For some, it is a moment of quiet reflection, a gentle nudge toward change. For others, like me, it was a hard fall to rock bottom, where the only direction left to go was up. The day I let God take the lead was that turning point—a moment of surrender that altered the course of my life forever.

My journey to rock bottom wasn’t sudden. It was a gradual descent, marked by years of self-destructive behavior, denial, and a growing sense of hopelessness. I had built a prison around myself, brick by brick, with every poor decision, every harmful habit, and every attempt to numb the pain that was consuming me. Addiction was the key to that prison, and I had locked myself in, seemingly without a way out.

Hitting rock bottom is a phrase often used, but it’s difficult to describe the despair that accompanies it. For me, it was the absolute end of the line. I had lost everything that mattered—my relationships, my sense of self-worth, my hope for the future. The life I was living was unsustainable, and deep down, I knew it. Yet, the fear of change and the grip of addiction kept me bound to my destructive path.

It was in this darkest hour that I realized I couldn’t do it alone. I had tried—oh, how I had tried—to fix things on my own terms, in my own strength. But every effort only seemed to dig the hole deeper. I was exhausted, broken, and out of options. That’s when I knew, with clarity that could only come from desperation, that I needed help beyond myself. I needed a power greater than my own.

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