How Recovery Prepared Me to Care for My Dying Mother

For years, I was lost in addiction, unable to face even the smallest of challenges without running to some form of escape. The chaos, the selfishness, and the isolation that came with my disease were like walls between me and the people I loved, including my mother. It was as if I had willingly put on blinders to avoid looking at the real issues in my life, including my relationship with her. I feared her death because deep down, I feared I wouldn't be enough to handle it, that I wouldn't be able to show up when she needed me.

But God had a different plan for me. When I began my recovery journey, I thought I was just trying to survive one more day without picking up. However, as I worked the 12 steps, I learned to live in a way I had never imagined. I made peace with the wreckage of my past, forgave myself and others, and built connections within the recovery fellowship that gave me strength. God used the process to soften my heart and build my courage. It wasn’t just about giving up drugs or alcohol; it was about becoming the person He intended me to be, capable of love and service to others.

Little did I know that this inner transformation would be essential when my mother fell ill. The fear that had once haunted me began to dissolve as I realized that God had already equipped me with everything I needed to face this moment. The principles of the 12 steps became my bedrock. I didn’t have to pretend to be strong or perfect. Instead, I leaned on the fellowship, trusted my Higher Power, and took it one day at a time, just as I had learned in recovery.

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