Healing From Church Hurt (The Untold TRUTH)

No matter how far we stray or how low we sink, God is always calling us to come back to Him. It's easy to feel as if we've wandered too far, crossed too many lines, or made too many mistakes to ever be worthy of God’s grace again.

In our moments of deepest despair, when we feel utterly lost, it may seem like God has forgotten about us. But this couldn't be further from the truth. God is always there, patiently waiting and calling us to return. It’s in those still moments, in that quiet voice deep within, that He offers His gentle guidance back home.

Life has a way of leading us down paths we never intended to take. For some, it's addiction. For others, it's a life of poor choices, unhealthy relationships, or unfulfilled potential.

Regardless of the cause, we can reach a point where we feel disconnected not only from the world but also from our true selves, and ultimately, from God. We become consumed by our own pain, convinced that we've gone too far to ever return to the life we were meant to live. But the beauty of God’s love is that it is unconditional and infinite. No matter how far we've drifted, God is always calling us back.

The journey back to God often begins when we are at our lowest. In our darkest moments, when we feel abandoned and alone, we can choose to surrender. It's when we let go of the belief that we have all the answers or the strength to carry on that we begin to hear God’s call more clearly. We must be willing to admit that we need Him, that we can not do it alone, and that we are ready to come home. This act of surrender is not a sign of weakness but a sign of strength—a willingness to accept the love and grace that has always been available to us.

#graceofgod #divineguidance #FaithAndHope