Are You Listening to Addiction’s Lies or Recovery’s Truth?

Addiction is often referred to as a disease of the mind, but it’s more accurately described as a disease of deception—a cunning enemy that distorts our reality and blinds us to the truth. This self-deception becomes a constant companion, whispering lies that trap us in cycles of destructive behavior. It convinces us that we’re in control when we aren’t, that we’re only hurting ourselves when the damage ripples far beyond us, and that we can stop whenever we want to, even though that day never seems to come.

These lies form the foundation of addiction and keep us ensnared, disconnected from our true selves. As we seek recovery, the deceptive voice doesn’t suddenly disappear. It persists, finding new ways to undermine us. Recovery, therefore, is not just about abstaining from substances; it’s about stopping the lies we’ve told ourselves for so long and learning to hear the truth within.

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